What To Know: Transfer Switches

If you’ve purchased a portable or standby generator to provide backup energy during a power cut, you need to know that it will perform as expected. Adding a transfer switch during the generator installation is one of the smartest decisions you’ll ever make. Completing preventative maintenance is great, but a transfer switch will take your […]

Why Choose A Professional For Your Generac Installation?

Choosing a Generac generator as your source of backup power is a very wise move indeed. However, you can only see the full benefits of the unit when it has been correctly installed. Seeking professional generator installation in Indiana is the best solution by far. While skilled DIY enthusiasts may feel that they are capable […]

Best Time To Install A Whole House Generator

Backup and standby generators provide access to power supplies during outages caused by storms, extreme weather or technical faults. If you’re a home or business owner looking to buy a generator to provide peace of mind and reduce the risk of disruptions, you may be wondering when is the best time for a Generac generator […]

Generator Maintenance Tips: Exercising Your Whole Home Generator

If you have a home generator, then you may have heard the term “exercising”.  If you’re not quite sure what that means, then you have come to the right place. Here you can find out what exercising means, why it’s important and how to do it yourself. Why do you Need to Exercise your Generator? […]

How A Standby Generator Can Help You Prepare For Power Outages

Suffering from a power outage can have a very frustrating impact on your life. Particularly in this day and age where more and more of us are working from home. Being without lights for a few hours is annoying enough, but imagine not having access to the internet for a few days or weeks. The […]

How Your Standby Generator Can Protect Your Home From Power Surge Damage

The modern home is full of various items and appliances that rely on electricity to function properly. During a normal day, it’s unlikely that you will see any issues with all the electricity running in your home. However, there are instances where these appliances and devices can be seriously damaged – such as during a […]

How Much Does It Cost To Install A Whole Home Generator?

A whole-home generator can be an excellent investment for your home. Losing power can be incredibly annoying and frustrating, which is where a standby generator comes in handy. It can connect to your electrical circuit, detecting the moment where you lose power, and providing your home with a new source of electricity. This will mean […]

Key Safety Considerations When Installing A Whole Home Generator

Is there anything worse than experiencing a power outage and being plunged into darkness? You can’t use the internet, you may be unable to cook, and you have no idea how long it will be until the power comes back on. This is where a whole home standby generator comes into play. With one of […]

The Best Locations To Install Your Standby Generator

Do you live in a location that frequently experiences power outages or blackouts? Are you sick of lighting candles and getting out a camping stove when this happens? If so, then it’s a very smart idea to install a standby generator. A whole-home standby generator acts as a backup power source for your home. It […]

Generac G-Force Engine: What Makes It Great

If you are looking for a standby generator, you have many options. There are multiple manufacturers out there all promising that they offer the best products on the market.  But do they? Arguably not. In this post, we outline why the Generac G-Force® Engine is the best option for your home. Read on to learn […]

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